
Posted on January 26, 2018 by 美国可持续发展委员会

校园安装新的绿色雨水控制系统 data-lightbox='featured'

USA is located in the headwater region of the Three Mile Creek (TMC), a major urban stream that eventually flows into the Mobile River, just north of downtown Mobile.  的 TMC watershed drains over 30 square miles and has recently been designated by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) as priority watershed due to its water quality impairment and is in need of restoration.  主要的TMC之一 pollutants is identified as “excessive 沉积物ation”, due to increased storm water 径流和由此产生的河岸侵蚀.   重要的是,美国已经被确定了 造成“过度沉积”.

在ADEM的资助下. 凯文·怀特(香港大学土木及海岸学系教授及主席) & 环境工程)和兰迪·莫恩(协会. V.P.(设施管理) designed and constructed several bio-infiltration systems just west of the campus Admin Building to capture, store, and infiltrate storm water runoff so as to minimize erosion and 沉积物 transport from this part of campus.  管理员之间的区域 and Meisler Hall is largely undeveloped, but exhibits a significant slope (~5%) and several un-vegetated areas where storm water runoff often erodes the bare soil.  的 linear bio-infiltration systems (~8 feet wide and 30-50 feet long) were designed as shallow (3-feet deep), gravel-filled depressions that act to capture storm water and 沉积物.  的 bio-infiltration systems are intermittently planted with vegetation, so that the entire system looks to be normal landscaping, but in fact is also functioning as an effective storm water management feature (see photo below).  这种类型的风暴 water management feature is referred to as “green” infrastructure, and is known to be both environmentally friendly and more cost-effective (in many cases) than traditional “hard” infrastructure (underground piping, concrete-lined channels, 等.).  它是 clear that there is a place for both types of infrastructure (green and traditional 很难),视情况而定.

Monitoring of 沉积物 transport upstream and downstream of these bioinfiltration systems during rainfall/runoff events is ongoing (by civil engineering and environmental toxicology students) and will help determine effectiveness.  的具体目标 项目包括:

  • Implement non-point source (NPS) components of the watershed-based management plan.
  • Implement NPS best management practices (BMPs) that are technically sound, environmentally protective, and economically-sensible to protect water quality using a watershed or 基于生态系统的保护和恢复方法.
  • Facilitate opportunities to enhance stakeholder (campus administrators, faculty, students, 等.知识和意识.
  • Monitor, analyze, and/or report data and information to enhance public and private sector appraisal of project implementation progress, performance, and accountability.


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